Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Correctional Facility

 My thoughts shown with **

     So, I was busy working on my rough draft today, and I get a phone call from a 213 number. At first I thought it was a little weird that an out-of-state number was calling, but I picked it up.
"Hello, this is a recording from, "Ty" (Ty was said in an older males voice), at the Eastside (or something like Eastside) Correctional Facility, press 1 to accept this call or press 2 to reject this call."
My first thoughts start rushing through my head *Who's Ty and why would he call me from a correctional facility? What if he knows someone I know? What if he needs help? What if he's a pedophile?* Meanwhile, the recording goes, "Goodbye"....Apparently I took to long to respond. *Oh well, I guess I'll get back to my rough draft.*

5 minutes later -
Another incoming call
"Hello, this is a recording from, "Ty" (Ty was said in an older males voice), at the Eastside (or something like Eastside) Correctional Facility, press 1 to accept this call or press 2 to reject this call."
*Umm....I guess I'll accept it...*
"Hey, is this Brenda?"
*Who the hell is Brenda?* ""
"Oh, I guess I have the wrong number. Roland told me to call this number, said they would help. Do you know a Roland?"
"Oh okay wrong number" (Hangs out)


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